
Notifications icon 
The notifications icon has been improved aesthetically with smaller fonts and better spacing of action icons. 
DMS Search improvements 
Improvements have been made to the Document Management System search functionality. The change allows the user to better control which folders they want to include in the search request. 
Ability to Add Materials to a Work Order 
Users now have the ability to add materials details that they may use whilst carrying out work and can be captured against the work order so costs can be associated to the work carried out. 
This includes: 
• FAL control for Materials widget 
• Material widget on Work Order screen 
• Deleting a material line prompt 
Ability to define an Organisation Type 
This will allow the user to define the Organisation type such as are they a Vendor, Manufacturer, Supplier. 
Limited Liability added to organisation search. 
Adding Hazards to a Property 
The ability to add Hazards to a property has been introduced. 
• Viewing Hazards on a Work Order 
• Viewing Hazard on a Work Order on the Mobile device 
Ability to set currency type – Configuration Key (Admin) 
The system now has the ability to configure to the local currency in the following locations, UK (£), USA ($), FRANCE (€) and New Zealand ($). These are controlled via the admin configuration functionality. 
Recurring Checkpoints in PPM 
Additional functionality has been added within the checkpoint settings to allow for recurring settings to be added. 
Ability to Edit/Obsolete a System Role 
In order to better manage System roles, we have introduced additional admin functionality, so that it allows the Admin user the ability to edit and obsolete System roles. 
Switch Help and Doc to Zendesk 
Work has been carried out so that users looking for information reference system functionality, will now be directed to Zendesk where reference material can be accessed. Users can then navigate around the site in order to search for relevant information. 
Export Configuration (Admin Internal) 
Work has been carried out to further enhance the Admin function to enable better exporting and importing of system configurations. This will enable a more robust system build and configuration process when onboarding new client sites. 
Ability to Revert Work Order status from Closed to Completed (Admin Function) 
We have introduced the ability for admin users to be able to revert a Closed status of a work order back to Completed. This would be done in a controlled way. Users with this access will get the option to revert on the WO at the point of Closing the WO 
Resolving Service Requests 
The system has been updated so that if a Service Request has a 1-to-1 or 1-to-Many relationship with work orders, then the system the user interacts with it in different ways to either cancel or auto resolve the ServiceRequest 
Lease Module enhancements 
There have been a number of enhancements to the Lease Module including: 
• New Lease Menu options 
• Transaction Defaults 
• Transaction Approval 
• Lease Recurring Transaction custom setting functionality 
Update to Subscriptions 


There have also been a number of fixes included in this release including: 
• DMS File Uploads hanging on 0kb files 
• PPM update to schedule notification – Change of suppliers on Plans 
• Work Order Priority Response Time – Editing Name saving issue 
• Populate Fields when creating Task from another Module 
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